Friday, July 8, 2011

Novel Update :)

The novel is coming along...about a third of the way through now. It feels so good to type out the words that have been stuck inside my head all these months :) Writers get cranky when they don't get the words out of their heads, and I have never felt better than now! For any of you writers out there, I have some recommendations for writer's block.
1) Change location. Words get stagnant when you get too if you've been stuck at the computer for too long, get outside and write on a notepad or something.
2) READ! Believe me, nothing inspires me more than reading the words of another writer. I see the fruits of their labour, and decide that just maybe my labour might yield the same fruits.
3) Pray. The words come from God anyway. Ask Him to free them up, and remind yourself, over and over again, that you're writing for Him. And there could be no more noble cause.
Also, I have recently discovered the amazing lectures of Peter Kreeft. You can download them for free off his website, and there are priceless jewels to be discovered in those downloads. For example, I was listening to his lecture on evil in Lord of the Rings, and it was full of gems on what makes books good. I was taking notes like crazy in the back of the car, integrating them into my plot bunnies and nebulous what-ifs :) I would recommend downloading them. Believe me, you will benefit, not only in your novel, but your soul.
So, I've hit the 25,000 word landmark. Onward!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the reading! Nothing like a bit of Bujold or Sayers to make you long to live up to them - and even when you fail, you fail better than you did before for their inspiration!

    congrats on being 1/3 of the way there!
