Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lenten Lessons

This Lent has been a season of maturation for me...I somehow knew it would be. But I didn't know how much, and I didn't know how. So many different things have happened, but I must say that the main lesson I've learned is that you can't control everything.
Now, I know that may seem like a given, but it's so much easier heard than realized. And I've realized it in so many ways this Lent. It's taught me to let go of a lot of things that I wanted to hold on to, and how to place them in God's hands.
It started when opera started. We had signed up to be in another opera, The Magic Flute, and the rehersal schedule was brutal. To top it all, we have Chorale performances/dress rehersals the entire performance week for I've been doing quite a bit of singing/acting for the last two weeks. The final opera performances are tonight and Saturday, and so are our Chorale performances. I've learned that I can't do everything, and I can't do much of anything on my own.
Also, a friend of mine was in a terrible car accident as well this Lent. She's still in the hospital, and has a broken pelvis, leg, ribs, and punctured lung. She's healing, but slowly, and it's going to be a long process. I greatly appriciate all responses from my friends who I've texted to ask for their prayers. I've learned that, when situations are out of my control, the only thing I can do is put it in God's hand. And that's what I've done. Our prayers are certainly helping her, and she's getting better, bit by bit.
So this Lent has been a season of growing as well as preperation for me. I've had to let go of some of the things I wanted to do for Lent: I just can't fit them all in and maintain my sanity....not to mention my grades. And it feels so good to just place everything in God's hands. There's no safer place to put them.

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