Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Things I'm Loving Right Now

So, this is what I found interesting this past week:
DIY Lemon-Thyme Scrub - this scrub works wonders! And it's easy to make! And it's organic! What more can we ask for? ;)
Rainy Mood - I know I've linked to this before, but it is one of the most visited sites on my computer. Everytime I study, I have a page open to this site. It's calming, and it's white noise, so it drowns out those little distracting noises.
Script Frenzy - It's coming up! So excited!! Going to actually write my first script, after long days of preparing and outlining for it!! I won't be doing this as seriously as I did NaNoWriMo, my school load doesn't permit me to at this point, but I hope to get a little bit of a script typed out. The site also has some amazing articles and step-by-step instructions for formating a screenplay and how to structure them. If you're interested in screenwriting...this is a good site to visit.
Modcloth- these dresses make me drool. They're vintage, but beautiful and don't look 'dated'. Saving up to buy at least one for summer. I also love their vintage swimsuits...they're amazing. So cute!!
I'll post more links as I come across them. Enjoy!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love modcloth as well! I have craving at least one item from them for a while now!

