Monday, December 19, 2011

O Come, O Come Emmanuel...

This season of Advent has been quite a wonderful (but busy busy busy!) one. I've been very preoccupied with school work and homework, but now that Christmas Break has finally arrived, I can sit back, relax, post on my blog, and sip my tea. (Earl Grey. Hot. )
Just a summary of my last few weeks...December is the concert month for the I've had 4 concerts in two weeks, not to mention opera practice. The concerts wouldn't have been that bad...except that two of them happened on one night, with only 2 hours between them for dinner. It was exhausting, but worth it. Sadly, for the first time since I don't know when, I couldn't participate in Lessons and Carols, which is an annual concert our church choir does. I just couldn't fit it into my schedule without going mad. *sigh*. Oh well. There's always next year.
I'm trying to complete all my many Christmas present projects in the remaining 6 days before Christmas...thank God there are 12 days of Christmas. Otherwise...I just might be up a tree! :)
I'm still working on my siblings' present (which is the book I wrote for NaNoWriMo). It's going through some major yet hasty editing, and some POV changes. I'm not quite finished with it...still. I can't believe that I managed to write 50,000 words in November, but I've only managed 6,000 in this entire month of December. Oh well. I'll blame it on school, and not procrastination, who is the real culprit. *cough*
As for my dad's present...I've had to cave in my rule. I'm buying him something. I just could not think of anything to make for him that he would actually use.
Regarding the rest of the family, I am completely set. I've written some short stories for my aunt and uncle (they're summaries of stories that our uncle tells us after dinner about his hilarious mother - I'll have to post one or two up here someday), and my grandparents are getting a poem which I have written by hand with my best Levenger fountain pen, and framed on beautiful scrapbook paper. My mom is getting a pair of fingerless gloves, which I have yet to finish...I'm going to have to knit fast.
I wonder if you can count your knitting speed like your word count? Like, 40 STM(stitches per minute)? That would be a handy gadget...