Friday, February 17, 2012

Pictures of my Projects

I've been saying for a bit now that I would post pictures of some of my knitting projects on here....and today I'm finally getting around to it! I started knitting a few months ago, and now I'm completly hooked.
My first project was a Tea Wallet I made for my dear mater, and it was my first time actually using the purl stitch and making a 'pattern' with my stitches. Quite proud of it, even though it was a bit rough.
My sister then asked for a pair of fingerless gloves, because her hands were getting cold when we went to our horseback-riding lessons in the cold November mornings. So, I made her a really easy pair of garter stitch mitts. I called them Cloudless Skies, because of the colour of the yarn. It's so pretty. :)
I made a few more little projects which I don't have pics of, such as a pocket purse for a friend and a scarf which I'm still in the progress of making. It's for a friend of mine who is obsessed with Harry Potter, so I'm knitting her a Ravenclaw scarf.
The next project, which I'm kinda proud of, is one I made for my friend Katie Sonner. :) It was a scarf, and I needed to finish it quickly, so I knitted it on the Knifty Knitter loom, instead of on needles. It was made using a gorgeous mohair yarn that I had been itching to use, blended with a soft grey.
The other projects I haven't quite completed yet, so I'm not going to post pics until you can see the finished product. If you're on Ravelry, you can friend me and see the rest of them in my Projects! :) This Lent, I'm hoping to start working on something called the Beekeeper's Quilt, which is an absolutly beautiful quilt pattern on Ravelry. It's going to take some time, but I think the end product will be worth it. I don't know if I'm giving it away, or keeping it for myself quite yet...although it would be funny to give to my parents, seeing as they're both beekeepers as a hobby. ;)


  1. Lovely, Rachel! You know, I'm planning on making the Beekeeper's Quilt too (I'm going to let myself buy the pattern once I finish the Chain Reaction Afghan). It's just such a lovely pattern. I'm already collecting the snipped ends of yarn from my other projects, because I want to use them as stuffing for my hexipuffs . . .

  2. Thank you! :) I love the pics of the Chain Reaction Afghan by the way...beautiful! I'm going to buy the pattern for the Beekeeper's Quilt this afternoon, so I can start working on it before Lent starts. I want to work on it throughout Lent, while I listen to the audio book of my 'devotional'.

  3. Ooh, that's a neat idea! I love knitting and listening to stories or the Bible. What's your Lenten reading this year?

  4. I'm reading "The King, Crucified and Risen", which is written by Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R. It's a devotional for every day of Lent. I'm also reading through the Gospel of John with the rest of my family :)
