Monday, February 13, 2012


Well, I just got back from a completely AWESOME week in Maui. I celebrated by 16th birthday while there (WOOT!) and am now trying to adjust myself to the rather rainy California weather....I miss the sunshine....
The airplane trip there was rather uneventful...I spent it watching The Proposal with my dad (hilarious movie by the way, a must-see if you like romantic comedies!) and doing schoolwork. The rest of the week we spent snorkeling with sea turtles and millions of fish over a huge coral reef. It was one of the best weeks of my life.
For my birthday, we got Starbuck's coffee (since I love coffee so much), snorkeled, hung out by the fantastic pool, and went to Leilani's for my birthday dinner. Leilani's is a wonderful restaurant that is right on the beach, and their fish is absolutely spectacular. For dessert, we had Hula Pie, which is this gigantic slice of macadamia nut ice cream smothered in chocolate sauce on an Oreo cookie crust. It is seriously one of the best desserts EVER.
The rest of the week was spent doing the same thing...snorkeling, sunbathing, swimming, reading, and relaxing. I watched The Bourne Identity with my dad. It's a pretty good movie, and it made me want to read the book. So, for my birthday, my dad bought me the actual novel by Robert Ludlum. OMG. I can't believe I hadn't read it earlier! His writing style is very engaging, and it's a brilliant plot that keeps me turning the pages! It's now definitely on my awesome books list.
The thing I liked most about the trip was the ability to relax. We didn't rush to go anywhere....we just stayed by the hotel and did what we wanted. I got to actually write for as long as I wanted! I got several plot bunnies and scenes written out, as well as some script ideas. I also developed several characters from a two dimensional dead description to living, breathing "people". Very excited to continue writing with them. :)
The airplane trip back was a bit stressful...our flight got delayed an entire hour, so we got home about midnight. The actual flight for me was spent studying for a chemistry test. There were at least three screaming babies, if not more, and the sleeping passenger next to me kept on flipping his blanket onto my textbook and arm as I studied. After dropping off my grandparents and aunt and uncle (who came with us to Maui), we finally got home at 2:00 am. So, I'm a bit tired, but I wouldn't turn in my experience for the world. Now, back to reality. Homework awaits...


  1. When I lived in Hawaii, we went to Maui twice. Even though it was my least favorite out of the islands, it's pretty awesome. (Oh, and Leilani's? OMG SO DELICIOUS!!)

    Cute post!



  2. Thanks for commenting! I agree, Leilani's is a fantastic restraunt. Sadly, I've only been to Maui, so I really can't say which island is my favourite. :)
