Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cloudless Skies

In spite of the contradition of the weather, I'm knitting a project which I'm calling "Cloudless Skies". The yarn I'm using reminds me of the sky on a windy day in late summer, when the sky is so blue it seems to be almost as bright as the sun. I'm making basic fingerless mitts for my sister, and I've already completed one of them. The other is almost done...but I've not been able to find time to knit, or even write! *insert shocked gasp*. It's been very, very busy around here...but I'll elaborate more on that in the next blog post. :) Once I finish the gloves, I'll have to upload a few pictures for you as well :)


  1. Hey Rachel! Are you on Ravelry yet? It's a great place to search for (and store) patterns. Look for mizminka. :)

    I haven't uploaded any new project pics on Ravelry in years b/c you have to have a Flickr account, and my Flickr albums were all getting full. Maybe I should start a knitting blog, b/c I've been cranking out FOs like nobody's business since I graduated from college! :)

  2. I am on Ravelry! I'm under the username "Scriptor". And if you started a knitting blog, I'd sure follow it!! :) I'm loving knitting, and loving making all my friend's Christmas presents. :)

  3. Hey! Comments seem to be blocked on your Nov. 7 post, so I'm sharing a link here instead. KnitPicks has a lot of really great tutorials:


    Also, definitely check YouTube for any of the techniques you're interested in; videos by Cat Bordhi are excellent. She's a little annoying to listen to sometimes, but her visuals are excellent. :) And check out StitchDiva's YouTube vids too.

  4. Awesome!! Thanks so much!! I know I'll use these!! :)
